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IMEX: Bali’s Entree to World Music 9-12 May

Indonesia is a nation comprised of more than 17,000 islands. Its population is 260 million, representing at least 1,331 ethnic groups. The extensive archipelago is a crossroads where Eastern and Western civilizations converged and comingled with a dazzling array of existing ancient cultures. 

Franki Raden

As a result, the incredible musical cultures found today across the Indonesian Republic are remarkably colorful and diverse. In recent years, a genre of music identified as “world music” has become a significant force in the global music industry. All the diverse traditional and modern Indonesian musical forms, including gamelan and keroncong, are at home within the broad classifications of global or world music. 

Today, the world music sector constitutes around 10% of the global music industry, with an estimated value of around US$ 6.5 billion. Because of the rapid growth in world music and Indonesia’s close links with this genre, in 2020, the Directorate of Film, Music and Media at  the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and

Technology launched an innovative international music showcase festival, The Indonesian Music Expo (IMEX), which is now in its fourth successful year of operation.

To sustain its established reputation for musical excellence, IMEX 2024 has again employed an “Open Call” audition-call process in selecting Indonesian and foreign musical experts to serve as judges. From the 128 Indonesian musical groups that expressed interest in joining IMEX 2024, a final selection of 15 outstanding performers will present a diverse program on the IMEX Stage from 09 May to 12 May 2024 at Puri Lukisan, Ubud – Gianyar, Bali.

IMEX 2024 also marks the second year the event will partner with WOMEX, Europe’s largest global music marketing platform. WOMEX will utilize its extensive promotional network to support the Bali event. The partnership with WOMEX represents a breakthrough in efforts to introduce Indonesian musical traditions into markets that have traditionally been dominated by European and American artists.

Over the past four years, IMEX, which represents musicians from around the globe, has grown to admire the quality and diversity of Indonesia’s music presented on the IMEX Stage. Many international observers now claim that Indonesia compares favorably with performers originating from the African continent, which has dominated the global music market in the past. In this instance, IMEX has become an important showcase for Indonesian performers seeking an international audience. 

A stellar array of outstanding Indonesian and world artists will take to the stage at Puri Lukisan in Ubud from 09 May until 12 May 2024. All musical performances over the four nights at the IMEX Festival are presented free of charge.

In conjunction with the stage performances, IMEX 2024 will include seminar sessions, workshops, demonstrations, and a chance to view superb musical instruments crafted by master Balinese instrument maker I Wayan Tuges.

Among the 15 Indonesia Indonesian musical groups selected to perform at IMEX 2024 in Ubud :

1 .ARCHA – Ambon (Moluccas)

2. AGUSTIAN SUPRIATNA TRIO – Lampung (South Sumatra)

3. BELLACOUSTIC INDONESIA – Palangka Raya (Central Kalimantan)

4. DAMAR ART – Banyuwangi (East Java)

5. DE TRADISI – Medan (North Sumatra)

6. DEKA – Bandung (West Java)

7. EPO D’FENOMENO – Jayapura (Papua)

8. GAMELAN GAMBANG – Gianyar (Bali)

9. GONG GEDE – Gianyar (Bali)


11. KRONCONG SEJATI – Kediri (East Java)

12. SASANDO GONG – Pulau Rote (East Nusa Tenggara)

13. TARDIGRADA – Palu (Central Sulawesi)

14. VARNASVARA – Jakarta

15. WALK ON WATER – Nias (North Sumatra)

IMEX 2024 is organized by musicologist Dr. Franki Raden, PHD. 

IMEX 2024 is presented by the Directorate of Film, Music and Media of the Directorate General of Culture-  Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

Contact Franki Raded at mobile/WA: +62 822 6618 4647 for more information.


Related Links

INSTAGRAM: @indonesianmusicexpo

Indonesian Music Expo on Facebook

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Handphone:  +62 822 6618 4647

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