Three large whales have washed ashore on Bali beaches in a single week.
On Saturday, 08 April 2023, a dead sperm whale washed ashore at Pantai Yeh Leh, Pengeragoan, in the Pekutatan District of West Bali. The whale carcass was interred near the beach on Sunday, 09 April 2023.

The Sperm Whale was the third whale to die on a Bali beach in the past week.
The first dead whale, found on Monday, 03 April 2023, weighed 5 tons and washed ashore on Pantai Batu, Lumbang, at Antap Village in Tabanan, West Bali. The second, in the trio of three dead whales, was discovered on Wednesday, 05 April 2023, at Lepeng, in the Village of Takmung, Klungkung East Bali. The second whale was alive when it was pushed back out to sea, washing back to shore at Pantai Yeh Malet in Karangasem later that afternoon.
The dead whale at Pantai Yeh Malet was buried on shore using excavation equipment.
As reported by, the recent increase in the number of whales washing ashore in Bali is linked by a local environmental activist to the damage suffered by the Island’s ecosystem. The Kurma Asih Turtle Conservation Group coordinator in the Village of Perancak, I Wayan Anon Astika Jaya, said on Tuesday, 11 April 2023: “The death of the whales is an indicator that something is wrong with our oceans. This is a message for mankind that the oceans are not in good condition.”
“The death of the whales is an indicator that something is wrong with our oceans. This is a message for mankind that the oceans are not in good condition.”
I Wayan ANON ASTIKA JAYA – Bali environmentalisT
The environmentalist pointed to the disposal of plastic in the surrounding oceans, lands, and rivers as a leading cause of the declining ecosystem. This pollution, he contends, is polluting the oceans, causing the death of turtles, whales, and other biotas. In the past four months, at least four dead turtles have washed ashore in Bali, said Astika Jaya.
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