Bali’s Provincial Government is committed to paying particular attention to children and women left orphaned or widowed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As reported by, many children have lost parents or guardians due to the continuing pandemic.

Dewa Made Indra, Provincial Secretary for Bali, confirmed that the Island’s administration has registered affected children and widows on official welfare rolls (TPKS). Speaking in a gathering at the Governor’s office on Saturday, 11 September 2021, he added: “The children must be helped. We must be proactive in facilitating accommodation, guaranteeing medical care, and providing education.
At the gathering attended by the Minister for the Empowerment of Women and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, Indra insisted that children and women who have lost close family members during the continuing pandemic must receive special government attention.
Minister Puspayoga expressed her deep condolences for the women and children left by the sudden death of close family members and insisted no effort should be spared to share the responsibility for the survivors’ future development and education.

UNICEF estimates that 20,887 children have been orphaned nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 265 of that number representing children in Bali.