reports that plans to reopen international tourism in Bali in July 2021 have been postponed. The National Coordinator for Emergency Limitations on Public Movement (PPKM-Darurat), Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, confirmed the postponement of Bali’s reopening during a visual press conference held on Thursday, 01 July 2021.

Minister Luhut said the sudden surge in COVID-19 cases, including the Delta Variant, made a reopening of tourism in Bali in July no longer practical. “We are not thinking about that (reopening Bali in July). We are now thinking about how to reduce infections by immunizing as many people as possible and on enforcing strict health protocols,” he explained.
When a reporter asked him if Bali’s reopening in July is officially postponed, the Coordinating Minister said the answer to that question was obvious.
Luhut explained that implementing The Emergency Limitations on Public Movement (PPKM-Darurat) will be in effect from 03 until 20 July 2021. As reported by, Luhut painted a much more comprehensive policy than earlier reported, saying the policy will cover every regency and metropolitan area in Bai and Java.
He reminded all regional heads of Government in Bali and Java that any failure to implement and enforce PPKM-Darurat measures will be administratively sanctioned and face possible suspension from office.
The Government has immediately commenced “work from home” policies and closing malls on the two islands.
In Java and Bali, the areas affected by PPKM-Darurat include 48 regencies/metropolitan areas with “level 4” ratings and 74 regencies/metropolitan areas with “level 3” ratings. On the Island of Bali there are 7 regencies and metropolitan area with a “level 3” status: Jembrana, Badung, Denpasar, Gianyar, Bangli, Klungkung, and Buleleng.
Included among the PPKM-Darurat measure now in effect:
- Wide-ranging requirements to “work from home” for those employed in non-essential sectors of the economy.
- Educational activities to be limited to online formats.
- Shopping centers and malls are to remain closed until 20 July 2021.
- Supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores, and self-service shops must close at 8:00 pm and can only serve 50% of the normal number of customers.
- Drug stores (Apotik) are allowed to remain open on a 24-hour basis.
- All religious places of worship must close until 20 July. Also ordered to close are public facilities, centers of artistic activities, sports, and social activities.
- Wedding receptions are limited to only 30 participants and must not provide catered food.
Responding to the announcement, the Secretary-General of Bali’s Badung Regency’s Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI-Badung), Gede Ricky Sukarta said we could only respect and obey the decision of the Indonesian Government. Sukarta also serves as the chairman of the Bali Villa Association (BVA).
Sukarta urged people to relax and simply honor the decision of the Central Government. He pointed out that Bali has managed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic for 1.6 years, and the situation remains peaceful and safe, while people eat and continue to hold traditional ceremonies.
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