The National Task Force for COVID-19 (Satgas Penanganan COVID-19) has published a circular memorandum (No. 21 of 2021), setting forth the latest rules and regulations for domestic travel in Indonesia, effective 21 October 2021.

Published on the Indonesian Government COVID-19 Website the latest “rules of the road” for domestic travel in Indonesia are:
For long-distance air travel between Java and Bali and other regions with Category 3 and 4 COVID-19 ratings as stipulated by the Minister for Home Affairs:a.Travelers must possess an official vaccination card verifying that at least the first coronavirus injection has been received.
b. A letter certifying a “negative” RT-PCR test was performed within 2 x 24 hours before departure.
For long-distance travel by air, sea, or land using private or public transportation, water ferries, and trains to and from an area outside Java and Bali that the Minister of Home Affairs has designated as regions with Category 1 and 2 COVID-19 ratings, travelers must present a “negative” RT-PCR test performed within 2×24 hours before departure.
Alternatively, travelers must present proof of a “negative” Rapid Test Antigen performed within 1×24 hours before departure.
- For travelers traveling by land or sea on private or public transportation to and from the areas outside Java and Bali, involving regions designated by the Minister of Home Affairs as Category 3 or 4 regions must possess the following documents:
- An official vaccination card verifying that at least the first injection has been received.
- A letter certifying a “negative” RT-PCR test performed within 2×24 hours before departure or a Rapid Antigen Test done 1×24 hours before departure.
- For long-distance travel by air, sea, or land using private or public transportation, water ferries, and trains to and from an area outside Java and Bali that the Minister of Home Affairs has designated as regions with Category 1 and 2 COVID-19 ratings, travelers must present a “negative” RT-PCR test performed within 2×24 hours before departure.
Alternatively, travelers must present proof of a “negative” Rapid Test Antigen performed within 1×24 hours before departure.
- For travelers traveling by land or sea on private or public transportation to and from the areas outside Java and Bali, involving regions designated by the Minister of Home Affairs as Category 3 or 4 regions must possess the following documents:
- An official vaccination card verifying that at least the first injection has been received.
- A letter certifying a “negative” RT-PCR test performed within 2×24 hours before departure or a Rapid Antigen Test done 1×24 hours before departure.
- People undertaking routine travel using private or public land transportation (including trains) in what the government has labeled a municipal agglomeration zone are exempted explicitly from presenting proof of vaccination or COVID-19 testing.
All travelers in every region of Indonesia are personally responsible for their state of health.
All travelers are also required to use the government Handphone application PeduliLindungi. Travelers must also obey all existing health protocols that include using medical quality face masks, refrain conversing with fellow travelers or using their handphones, and eating and drinking while sitting in public transportation on journeys of less than 2 hours duration.
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