The Bali Bureau of Statistics has identified three pockets of poverty in Bali based on 2022 data.
- 41,000 people live below the poverty level in the Regency of Buleleng, North Bali.
- 30,000 people live below the poverty level in Bali’s capital city of Denpasar.
- 29,000 people live below the poverty line in the Regency of Karangasem.
All three of these areas have pledged to eliminate extreme poverty by 2024.

In the capital of Denpasar, the poor constitute 2,487 family units spread across the four sub-districts (kecamatan) of:
- North Denpasar 665 families.
- East Denpasar 583 families.
- South Denpasar 598 families.
- West Denpasar 641 families.
In the East Bali Regency of Karangasem, data provided by I Nyoman Sutirtayasa, the Head of the Planning, Research, and Development Agency (Bapelitbangda), said the population of the Regency is counted at 522,217 people with the poor put at more than 29,000 (5.6%). This is an increase in the number living below the poverty line
- 27,020 poor in 2017
- 26,020 poor in 2018
- 25,990 poor in 2019
- 24,690 poor in 2020
- 28,520 poor in 2021
- 29,450 poor in 2022
The COVID-19 epidemic is blamed for the growing poverty numbers in Karangasem.

The Regent of Karangasem, I Gede Dana, said his administration had implemented three programs to reduce or eradicate extreme poverty under the programs with names includes: “Family of Hope” (keluarga harapan), “Basic Necessities” (program sembako), “Smart Indonesia” (Indonesia Pintar), and direct cash grants to villages (BLT Desa). Other forms of assistance cover rice grants, disability assistance, old-age assistance, free electrical connections, free LPG, and health insurance.
Dana also commented that assistance is being given via employment programs, pre-employment programs, vocational training, employment capacity building, and loan programs. Other anti-poverty programs operated by the Karangasem administration were improvements in services and health infrastructure matters such as access to public water, improved public transportation, and new roadways.
Meanwhile, the Island’s capital of Denpasar, to overcome extreme poverty and improve social services, is strengthening to enhance the roles of community heads (lurah) and providing training on the management and interpretation of data collected from the community and the actual implementation of anti-poverty programs.
The Mayor of Denpasar, IGN Jaya Negara, recently said he is working to enhance community cooperation (gotong royong) in overcoming societal problems. City administrators are working to coordinate anti-poverty efforts performed by local private and public organizations. The Index for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) for Denpasar has now reached 98.93%, which is in keeping with targets set by the Central Government.
The Problem of Poverty in Bali
Across every area where extreme poverty is recorded in Bali, the common problems at the roots are inadequate housing, poor or no access to utilities (i.e., electricity and water), and a lack of proper health care.
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