President Joko Widodo announced on Tuesday, 20 July 2021, that the Emergency Limitations on Public Movement (PPKM-Darurat) Policy will be extended until 25 July 2021, with a phased reopening of facilities and businesses starting from 26 July.

In a press conference broadcast on the National Secretariat Youtube Channel, the President stated that an Rp. 55.21 trillion allocations of financial assistance have been put in place, including cash payments, cash social aid (BST), cash payment to villages (BLT), family aid (PKH), distribution of basic food items, allocations for free Internet service, and subsidies for electrical power.
Quoted by, the President also announced urgent individual payments of Rp. 1.2 million for around one million small-scale or “micro-enterprises” (usaha mikro).
President Joko Widodo called on every level of Indonesian society to unite in fighting COVID-19. Adding: “This is certainly a burdensome situation, but with God’s blessing and a strong joint effort, we can free ourselves of COVID-19, and through social aid programs – the people’s economy can return to normal.”

The President promised that as soon as the government sees a decline in new COVID-19 cases, a reopening of borders and boundaries, both domestically and internationally, can gradually begin.
Starting on 26 July, traditional markets selling “essential goods” will remain open until 8:00 pm local time. Meanwhile, markets selling “non-essential goods” will be allowed to stay open until 3:00 pm. All markets are expected to operate at only 50% of their normal capacity.
Other businesses, including local food vendors (kaki lima), barbershops and salons, laundries, street peddlers, snack sellers, and other small-scale enterprises, will be allowed to open starting from 26 July until 9:00 pm. All places of business must follow strict government health protocols. Restaurants will be regulated as to the total number of guests allowed at any time, with diners limited to a maximum stay of just 30 minutes.
The government will explain instructions on operating restrictions for other sectors of the economy over time.