Kompas.com reports that the COVID-19 Mitigation Task Force in Bali is forbidding bars and clubs in Bali from hosting “parties” while the Island remains at a Category 2 Pandemic Alert Level.
The provincial secretary for the COVID Task Force in Bali, Made Rentin, defended the decision saying parties can create infection clusters.

Speaking on 11 November 2021, Rentin Added: “Actually, parties are still outlawed by the National COVID-19 Task Force because of the anticipation that (these events) being people in close physical proximity and the certainty that crowds will result.”
Rentin said bars and clubs in Bali are allowed to operate, providing strict health protocols are implemented. Visitor numbers cannot exceed reduced occupancy levels and operating hours are also limited. All bar and club operators must use the PeduliLindungi Mobile Application with all people entering their premises scanning a Bar Code posted at the entrance.
“Every restaurant manager is required to use the PeduliLindungi Application and implement all other stipulated health protocols,” said Rentin. The Bali Task Force Secretary explained that all establishment managers must establish their own COVID-19 Task Force responsible for following and enforcing all provincial rules and regulations pertaining to the coronavirus.
No New Years Parties in Bali Hotels and Clubs
Rentin confirmed that several hotels and restaurants in Bali have requested and been denied permission by the Province to hold New Years Parties on 31 December 2021.
Rentin confirmed that several hotels and restaurants in Bali have requested and been denied permission by the Province to hold New Years Parties on 31 December 2021.
MADE rENTIN – bALI covid-19 tASK fORCE
Based on reports of non-compliance with COVID regulations by Bali nightspots, Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan recently deployed teams of officials to monitor activities at the Island’s entertainment venues.
Pandjaitan, the COVID-19 Czar, has called on Bali’s Provincial Government to confirm that nightspots in Bali are following the rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
In keeping with instructions from Minister Pandjaitan and national guidelines, Rentin said that the Local Enforcement Agency (SatPol PP) would be monitoring bar and nightspots operating in Bali. While Rentin admitted some bars and nightclubs violating health protocols in Bali, the Province has not yet closed any venues. Instead, said Rentin, the Province was taking the “humanitarian approach” of warning the recalcitrant businesses.
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