Bali Governor Wayan Koster is urging the government to advance by one week the date for the end of quarantine measures from 14 March 2022.
Koster’s desire to end quarantine on 07 March was announced during a coordination meeting to prepare for the end of the quarantine held on Tuesday, 01 March 2022.

The Governor justified advancing the date for the end of quarantine by the declining number of new COVID-19 cases and the corresponding substantial increase in those recovering rapidly from the virus.
In further support of his argument, Koster said that 3,405,130 people in Bali had received the first dosage of the COVID-19 vaccine, 104% of the official target. Meanwhile, those receiving the second dose have met 94% of the targeted number. 20% of those targeted to receive the third booster shot is 20%.
Among the elderly population of Bali, 86% have received the first injection, 75% the second shot, and 18% the recommended booster.
Vaccination of children between 6 and 11 achieved 107% of the official target for the first dose and 98% for the second vaccination.
As further evidence of Bali’s success in dealing with the coronavirus, Koster pointed to a declining positivity rate. The percentage of those testing “positive” for COVID-19 now averages 4.3% and numbers less than the World Health Organization’s (WHO) standard of 5%. Only 1 or 2 people from among international travelers arriving in Bali have tested positive for COVID-19.
One of the strongest arguments for eliminating quarantine requirements is the widespread compliance with health protocols across every segment of Bali’s population.
In addition to urging the advancement of the date for ending quarantine to 07 March 2022, Governor Wayan Koster is adamant in his call for the resumption of the visa-on-arrival facility (VOA) to eliminate the complicated, time-consuming. and expensive need to secure a B112A visitor visa. “It is time for point one and point two (ending quarantine and resuming VOA) to be implemented so that tourism can recover after suffering greatly for the past two years,” said Koster.
The Governor also asked that Airline crews be exempted from taking a PCR test upon arrival in Bali because they had already tested negative before their flight to Bali.
Bali’s Chief Executive also urged that the Port of Benoa be reopened for the arrival of yachts and cruise ships.
Koster used the occasion of Tuesday’s coordinating meeting to announce an acceleration of booster vaccination administration via a program starting on 05 March 2022 so that 30% of the population have received the third shot.
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